Hyper Medozon Comfort (Ozone therapy) It is considered to be one of the most modern devices used during ozone therapy. Ozone therapy improves the quality of functioning of the body as a whole and certain organs and at the same time stimulates protective mechanisms. Indications for use: • Coronary artery; • Arthrosis; • Liver diseases of various origins; • Stress-driven heart pain; • Dermatological problems (acne, acne, eczema) ; • Disturbed blood circulation; • Ischemic disease; • Lumbago; • Migraine; • Abnormalities in serum lipids; • Rheumatism; • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
The device has been proven to make highly effective impact during rehabilitation after long-term illnesses and a number of complications. The recovery of tissues damaged as a result of paralysis of various origins can also be stimulated through the device.