The list of analyses
The following tests are run by experienced specialists in our high-tech lab equipped with the most up-to-date equipment manufactured in Germany, USA, Switzerland and Japan:
- Allergological;
- Hematological;
- Coagulogram;
- Biochemical analyses;
- Tumor markers;
- Prenatal;
- Hormones;
- Electrophoresis;
- Immunological;
- DNA determination;
- Serological;
- Microbiological;
- Infections;
- Molecular genetics;
- Cytogenetic;
- Vitamins;
- Drug (medicine) monitoring;
- Histological;
- Clinical;
- Smear microscopy;
- Common urine test;
- Spermogram.
Head of laboratory department
Education: Name of the educational institution Faculty/Specialty Period of study Country Azerbaijan State University Biology 1979-1985 Azerbaijan...
Laboratory assistant
Education: Name of the Educational Institution Faculty/Speciality Period of study Country Khazar University Medical biology 1998-2003 Azerbaijan...