Az Ru En

DEPARTMENTS / Urology-Andrology



For the first time in Azerbaijan, the Department of Uro-andrology of the Clinic of Korean Oriental Medicine, dealing with male genital diseases, combines all diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities.

Spermogram: It is performed with an electronic analyzer and the most accurate and international standard results are obtained for all parameters in a fully automatic manner. A room with special conditions is very important for this analysis. Such a room is organized at a high level in this department of our clinic.

Uroflowmetry: This is an objective method for examining patients with complaints of urination. All information about the flow and copy of urine is transmitted to the computer through a special device. In the Department of Uro-andrology there is a DZD device (shock wave therapy). Treatment with this device is a complex method for the treatment of Peyronie's disease, erectile dysfunction and chronic prostatitis.

PRP (plasma therapy) is a modern type of treatment that restores regenerative processes.

Cryotherapy: the most widely used method of painless treatment of papillomas with liquid nitrogen.


- male infertility (immunological infertility, preparation for in vitro fertilization) diseases of all types of erectile dysfunction;

- sexual problems in men, premature ejaculation;

- weakened libido;

- orgasm disorders;

- inflammatory diseases of the male genital system (chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome);

- urethritis;

- sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasma, epididymitis, orchitis);

- hormonal disorders in men (Klinefelter, Kalman syndrome (endocrine changes due to genetic diseases));

- hypogonadism (decrease in male hormones);

- sexual development disorder in boys;

- metabolic disorder during obesity;

- age-related androgen deficiency;

- gynecomastia;

- hyperprolactinemia;

- benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma);

- inflammatory diseases of all types of structures of the urethra;

as well as

- kidney and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis);

- kidney cysts;

- urinary incontinence;

- glomerulonephritis (hemoturic, nephrotic and mixed forms);

- urinary tract anomalies in children (hydronephrosis, hydroureteronephrosis, urinary-ureteral reflux)

- urinary stones (kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra stones) are diagnosed and treated in our clinic by experienced urologist-andrologist.

Urology-Andrology şöbəsinin həkimləri

Dr. Javid Ashurov


Education: Name of the educational institution Faculty/Speciality   Country Azerbaijan State Medical University Therapy 2001-2007 Azerbaijan...

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