Az Ru En

Azerbaijani medical staff

Dr. Zuleykha Ashurova


Name of the educational institution




Azerbaijan State Medical University



Azerbaijan Republic

BBSI United City Hospital No. 19



Azerbaijan Republic

I.M.Sechenov Moscow State Medical Academy



Moscow, Russian Federation







Conference on reproductive medicine

Russian Federation


Colposcopy and cervical pathology

Russian Federation


School of Aesthetic Gynecology

Russian Federation


Gynecological laparoscopy course



As a former member

Support project for young medical personnel under the President of Azerbaijan


Work experience:



Working period

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Azerbaijan State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors named after A.Aliyev



Korean Oriental Medicine Clinic


Since 2018


Examinations and treatments:

- Adnexites

- Algomenorrhea (painful menstrual cycles)

- Disturbance of the menstrual cycle (irregular lengthening, shortening, hyperpolymenorrhea, algodysmenorrhea)

-Treatment and examination of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpes simplex, ureaplasma, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.)

- Endometritis (aspiration biopsy, pathohistological examination)

- Hormonal and postoperative correction of endometriosis

- Correction of uterus and uterine prolapse without surgery

- Acute and chronic mycosis of gynecological organs

- Intimate cosmetology and rejuvenation procedures

- Climacteric syndrome and its hormonal correction

- Pathogenetic examination and treatment of colpitis

-Pediatric gynecology (developmental anomalies of female genital organs in children, delayed menarche, acute inflammatory diseases, etc.)

- Hormonal and non-hormonal correction of polycystic ovary syndrome

- Healthy pregnancy preparation program

-Diagnosis and treatment of infertility, as well as stimulation of superovulation

- Examination, treatment and preventive protocols of cervical diseases

-Differential diagnosis of uterine fibroids and polyps and selection of correct treatment tactics (sono ultrasound)

- Vaginosis (acute and chronic)

- Therapeutic treatment protocols of ovarian cysts


- Ultrasound of small pelvic organs + Sono ultrasound (accurate diagnosis of intrauterine pathologies under USM by injecting a sterile solution into the uterine cavity)

- Pelvioperineometry (measurement of compressibility of small pelvic muscles)

- Colposcopy and biopsy of the cervix and uterus

- Cytological screening of cervical smear (PAP-smear, Thin_prep)

- Diagnosis of uterine prolapse degree (POP-Q) and determination of individual vaginal pessaries

Postpartum program:

- Consultation of patients with breastfeeding problems

- Restoration of labia and vagina

- Examination, treatment and prevention of the problem of urinary retention in the postpartum period

- Postpartum restorative complex program (intimate cosmetology, diet therapy, massage and acupuncture, training of intimate muscles, and sports complexes treating postpartum abdominal muscle diastasis and atony)

- Restoration of sexual function in women in the postpartum period

Aesthetic gynecology:

- Resection and laser vaporization of papillomas in the anogenital area

- Plasma therapy of anogenital area atrophy

- Intimate rejuvenation (Femilift, PRP, biorevitalization)

- Intimate whitening with cosmetic means

- Non-surgical vaginal narrowing with laser (Femilift and injection methods)

- Laser therapy (Femilift)

- Laser correction of abdominal and vulva scars after operative delivery (Femilift)

Treatment and diagnosis of female sexual dysfunction:

- Modern treatment and examination methods of sexual reluctance and anorgasmia, hormonal correction

- Dyspareunia

- Augmentation of G point and clitoris

- Correction of psychological status of patients

- Vaginismus (classic treatment + botulinum therapy)

- Vulvodynia

Atrophic processes of the vulva and vagina:

- Intimate muscle training for loose vagina and urinary incontinence syndromes (biofeedback easem, k-goal)

- Application of 6-month anti-aging program for couples and individually

- Menopausal atrophy

- Application of a special diet in each listed gynecological pathology

- Violation of lubrication of the vulva (hormonal and injection methods)

- Scleroatrophic lichen and kraurosis of the vulva

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